Salinas Sports Complex

Salinas Sports Complex

The Salinas Sports Complex can be rented for one day or multi-day events. The arena complex can accommodate up to 17,000 people. Included are the box office, twelve concession stands, grandstands, adequate rest room facilities, locker rooms and amble staging areas. Rabobank Stadium at the Salinas Sports Complex offers a top of the line facility for your sporting needs. The complex has parking available for over 1,200 cars. The multipurpose complex is the perfect location for concerts, equestrian events, festivals and showcase events.
We want to make sure you have all the information you need to choose the venue for your event. Feel free to stop by the California Rodeo Office or call 831-775-3100 to make an appointment to view any facility at the Salinas Sports Complex and discuss rates for your rental.

If you are interested in renting the entire facility for your event you may contact our General Manager by phone at 831-775-3105.
For us to better assist you, please take a look at all the facilities and information available on the website. You can also fill out an Event Inquiry Form that is designed to provide us with some basic information about your event before a in person or phone consultation.
Still have questions? Call 831-775-3100 and our staff will be happy to assist!
We are looking forward to helping you host the best event possible and can't wait to hear from you!

Special thanks to our All Around Grand Champion Sponsors

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